Make your data work for you
Streamline business processes and facilitate integration allowing informed data-driven decision making and time savings.
Are you getting the most out of your Aderant Expert or Aderant Total Office? Let us stream line the repetitive tasks so your team can focus on the business.
Need a little help? Did your IT talent depart? We're available for blocks of time each day/week/month to keep your processes flowing while you hire replacement staff, for on-going support, or training your new hire.
Custom reporting tailored to your business can assist your team in making the right decisions.
Purchasing the software was the easy part. Ensuring the software and IT systems are configured for the performance load depends on the systems being set up correctly. Eagle Peak Group's IT Services can assist you with the needs of your business as it evolves.
Whether your moving data to the cloud or converting from a legacy accounting system to Aderant we can assist.
We provice support and customizations for a number of systems: